Wednesday, May 06, 2015
Media Spike # 51 – Waiting on Tables
Oh good. You’ve joined us once again. Perfect.


If you’re relying on your advertising to have some impact, to make some noise, raise the awareness of who you are and what you do, then BE BOLD, and TAKE OVER THE SPACE WITH ABSOLUTE DOMINANCE.

Sure smart guy. Mr. Media here thinks I’m made of money. Only clients with deep pockets can do that.

Well if you’re too gunshy about smart, powerful, intrusive advertising, then this strategy may not appeal to you.  However, I applaud this strategy by a modest jewelry store in a mid-size mall I recently ventured into.

My lovely bride and I recently became first time grandparents. As a keepsake for the occasion, she checked several jewelers in the mall, looking for just the perfect piece to add to an existing bracelet.

We took a break from this expedition and headed to the foodcourt.

Once settled, I began to notice my table top, then the one beside me, and the three beyond that and then the impact hit me like a thunderclap.

In a confined space of the foodcourt, on nearly 100 tables, was a circular decal, nearly covering the entire tabletop.

Every one of them bore the same logo of one of the very same jewelers we had been in. Not only did they OWN every table, reaching every pair of eyeballs, BUT –they had the foresight to provide 8 to 10 different looks so patrons could look at the store inventory to help them choose, before going into that same store in the mall.

Just brilliant.

They had the foresight to utilize Place Based Marketing, waiting for their target audience to arrive, and when they did come to the Food Court, there was no way of avoiding the message if you were a patron there.

It reinforced their image. It targeted candidates who were already in the same mall. It did not get buried among other newspaper ads. It gave variety of messages. It offered appeal to multiple audiences with a buffet of jewelry selection options, and it also included 3 calls to action:

• Showing their location in the mall relative to the foodcourt,
• It listed a phone number (cell phone users, everyone) and
• It listed their website for further exploratory at a later date by the patrons

Smart, tactical, efficient, memorable OWNERSHIP of the tabletops created an impression on this writer and I’m sure on thousands of other patrons of all ages.

This is just one example of a client using opportunities within reach. They may have supported this with other media placements I’m unaware of. However, I left that mall remembering only one jeweler.

As fates would have it, I did patronize their same store in another city soon after.  The residual impact of that foodcourt presence made the difference for staying Top of Mind.And they did this by staying on Top of Tables.

Stay tuned.

Dennis Kelly

"Like to learn more? Nine Secrets of How To Improve Your Advertising and How To Actually Make Your Ads Outperform Your Competition is not for everyone.  It’s for smart marketers who want proven tips to make their ads work harder and smarter.

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- Dennis Kelly
About Me
Dennis Kelly
A professional to his fingertips, Dennis Kelly of First Impressions Media brings a deft touch as your media magician. Extracting incremental media value for you from suppliers is second nature for Dennis. His versatility in all media is bred of 3 decades of hands-on media planning & buying experience in the media trenches. As a steward of your media budget, Dennis excels in delivering smart, efficient, creative and targeted campaigns to showcase your creative to the right audience.

Dennis is the author of “ 9 Secrets of How To Improve Your Advertising” and is available to Masthead Reader for $197 through a special offer at this link
Most Recent Blog Comment
Dennis Kelly says:
Thank you Gloria. What a perfectly apropos link. Thank you for sharing that. You are quite correct. ...
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