Monday, March 02, 2015
Media Spike #39 – It Costs HOW MUCH? – Part 2
Hi- I nearly forgot...

Recently one reader reminded me I hadn’t spoken about the costs of media as much as I promised to a few e-mails ago.

Thanks to B.K. for that memory jog. It Costs HOW MUCH?!?

Well if it costs that much we don’t want it.

Regrettably a refrain I heard from one client on several occasions earlier in my career. Amazing how funds go from: The Sky’s the Limit, to, We Have to Save the Budget.

The arrival of more electronic media platforms does not diminish that there will still be some costs to your ad campaign. Else why are you advertising?

But as clients we are all guilty of wanting to spend only $12 and get $100,000 worth of exposure. As though it is somehow the media’s fault prices are so high and why can’t we knock 90% of those costs off in negotiations.

Despite sometimes wonderfully positive media negotiations, and great savings, there remains the reality of the media costs. Perhaps you’re among many clients who are startled to learn your ad budget doesn’t buy as much as you hoped or expected.

You may recollect in several earlier Media Spikes, we made several golf analogies. Each club performs based on the skill level of the user, but also understanding there are some clubs better suited to a specific shot than others. So too with media.

So which media is suited to which situation?  What you want to do and how much you can afford are key drivers to your media choices.

Wanting to dominate the outdoor skyline with powerful backlit posters for three months is wonderful. But if you’re spending is more modest at several thousand dollars, you’re better off looking at media which won’t exhaust your budget so quickly.

We wanted to demonstrate just what a consistent ad budget would do across all media. Please bear in mind this is prior to any formal negotiations and we recognize additional factors come into play. But to get an idea what one budget could do across different media, we present the following.

Using a budget of $100,000, devoted to each media, in the market of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, you could expect to buy:

Outdoor Media:
        40 Paper Posters,
        Measuring 10’ X 20’, appearing for eight weeks,
        At a cost of $100,000

        100 Transit Shelter faces
        Measuring 4’ Wide X 6’ High, appearing for eight weeks,
        At a cost of $100,000

        20 Horizontal Backlights
        Measuring 10’ X 20’, appearing for eight weeks,
        Translucent Vinyl+
        At a cost of $100,000

Newspaper Media:
        Five (5), ½ page, 4 colour ads in Toronto Broadsheet format
        One ad per week for 5 weeks in Front News section
        Delivering estimated 2.4 Million Impressions to Adults 18+
        At a cost of $99,750

        Two (2) full page, 4 colour ads in Metro Edition of National
        One ad per week for two weeks in Metro Edition at a cost of

Magazines Media:
        Five (5), Full Page, 4 colour ads in Toronto specific and Toronto
        splits of National magazines (General Interest category)
        Estimated 650,000 circulation @ 3 Readers Per Copy
        Delivering 1.95 Million Impressions to Toronto audience
        At a cost of $95,650

Television Media:
        Two hundred & twenty three, Thirty second spots on one citywide
        20+ spots per week for 10 weeks
        To appear on a mixture of Prime (62%) and Off Prime
        Delivering 11.1 Million Impressions to Adults 25-54
        At a cost of $100,000

Radio Media:
        480, 30-second spots on prominent news station
        Airing as 32 spots per week Reach Plans
        Flight can run for 15 weeks.
        Delivering 12.9 Million Impressions to Adults 18+
        At a cost of $95,520

On-Line Media:
        Leaderboards (728 X 90)  and Big Boxes (300 X 250)
        Using ten (10) geo targeted websites
        At an average $30 CPM (depending on unit and site)
        30,000 Impressions per week, for 10 weeks, on 10 websites
        Delivering 3 Million Impressions to Adults 18+
        At a cost of $100,000

Please understand I know this is a simplification as many additional variables go into the final media selection. But I believe it’s important that when making a huge decision of where to invest your media funds, you have every right to have an appreciation of what you are buying, and what you are getting.

Stay Tuned.

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- Dennis Kelly
About Me
Dennis Kelly
A professional to his fingertips, Dennis Kelly of First Impressions Media brings a deft touch as your media magician. Extracting incremental media value for you from suppliers is second nature for Dennis. His versatility in all media is bred of 3 decades of hands-on media planning & buying experience in the media trenches. As a steward of your media budget, Dennis excels in delivering smart, efficient, creative and targeted campaigns to showcase your creative to the right audience.

Dennis is the author of “ 9 Secrets of How To Improve Your Advertising” and is available to Masthead Reader for $197 through a special offer at this link
Most Recent Blog Comment
Dennis Kelly says:
Thank you Gloria. What a perfectly apropos link. Thank you for sharing that. You are quite correct. ...
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