Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Ask the followup question

Last night a telemarketer called and asked for a Mr. vanGerwen. My husband and I don't share the same last name, so I answered the question truthfully and said that the was no Mr vanGerwen at this number. He apologized and hung up. I still get giggles thinking about it.

The next obvious question, which I was expecting him to ask, was if Miss or Ms. vanGerwen was around. But he didn't ask; he just hung up! Whether you're doing research, interviewing someone or seeking info from a PR rep, always ask the next question. People can't read minds and aren't always forthcoming with all they know, so be sure you've asked from every angle.

- Corinna vanGerwen
About Me
Corinna vanGerwen


Corinna vanGerwen is a freelance editor and writer. She has worked as senior editor at Style at Home, senior design editor at Cottage Life and is the former Canadian Director of Ed2010. She has also held the position of operations manager at a boutique PR agency, where she handled strategic planning and daily operations.

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Corinna says:
Thank you, Alicia!...
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