Monday, May 17, 2010
$6 bought Alec Brownstein a shot at his dream job
On the hunt for his dream job, copywriter Alec Brownstein purchased the names of his favourite creative directors on Google AdWords.

Whenever someone ran a search for one of the creative directors' names, the following message appeared at the top of the page: "Hey, [creative director's name]: Goooogling [sic] yourself is a lot of fun. Hiring me is fun, too" with a link to Brownstein's website,

According to, the $6 campaign netted calls from all but one of the creative directors Brownstein targeted, two job offers, and two advertising awards.

Just goes to show you that a little ingenuity may be all you need to put your name in front of the right people.

Via @elliottkaty.

- Corinna vanGerwen
About Me
Corinna vanGerwen


Corinna vanGerwen is a freelance editor and writer. She has worked as senior editor at Style at Home, senior design editor at Cottage Life and is the former Canadian Director of Ed2010. She has also held the position of operations manager at a boutique PR agency, where she handled strategic planning and daily operations.

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Corinna says:
Thank you, Alicia!...
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