Canadian Publishing Industry News
11 December 2022,    
State of The Media Report 2022
Now in its 13th year, Cision’s Global State of the Media Report, identifying trends in journalism.For the 2022 report, they tapped their global network of more than 3,800 journalists across approximately 2,160 media outlets, spanning 17 regions across the world provided key insights that offer a deeper understanding of how they work, what keeps them up at night. New Expectations, New Challenges 1) Journalists are under increasing pressure to think about if and how the content they produce will have impact, attract audiences, and drive engagement. Limited and declining resources, smaller staffs,
and the struggle to keep up with new technologies and compete with social media influencers only feed into this challenge. 2) The Greatest Obstacles for Journalists. Maintaining credibility as a trusted news source/combating accusations of “fake new" 32% . Lack of staffing and resources 16%. Declining advertising and circulation revenues 16%. Social networks and influencers bypassing traditional media 14%. 3) What Are Journalists doing on Social Media . Worldwide, Facebook is the platform journalists use most often for professional reasons (63%), such as sourcing information, interacting with their audience and publishing or promoting content, followed by Twitter (59%) and LinkedIn (56%).
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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