Canadian Publishing Industry News
2 October 2024,     KAWARTHA LAKES, ONTARIO
Fireside Brings Back Newspaper To Kawartha Lakes
Kawartha Lakes Weekly, Fireside Publishing House's new community newspaper.
Kawartha Lakes Weekly, Fireside Publishing House's new community newspaper.
Since Metroland stopped publishing their Kawartha Lakes This Week print edition last fall, the pressure to bring back a weekly paper has been persistent. Fireside have consistently heard that public still missed the weekly paper. Fireside says "This tells me at least two things. One, that big corporations clearly cannot be trusted to serve the public interest on their own. And two, that our communities love print and are not eager to depart from their weekly paper habit." Fireside Publishing House  produced its first edition of Kawartha Lakes Weekly for delivery to 25,000 homes across the city in August. Delivered by Post Media, with flyers inside, each Thursday.
There are also boxes across the city where readers can pick up a copy. A fall 2023
Fireside also publishes 5 local magazines in the Kawarth Lakes area.
Fireside also publishes 5 local magazines in the Kawarth Lakes area.
study from the non-profit organization, Two Sides, showed that consumers prefer to read the printed version of magazines (72 per cent), and newspapers (55 per cent) over digital options. More consumers believe they gain a deeper understanding of the story when read from print media over online news sources. The study also showed that 46 per cent would be more likely to take an action after seeing an advertisement in a printed newspaper or magazine than they would if they saw the same ad online. The results reveal that most consumers do not pay attention to online advertisements and 57 per cent do their best to avoid them. Fireside Publishing House also publishes The Lindsay Advocate, The Business Advocate, Kawartha Social Kawartha Lakes Relocation Guide. 
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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