Magazine Industry Resource Library
Government Programs
Government Programs
Arts Councils
Alberta Foundation for the Arts :
This provincial agency offers programs for Alberta-based magazine publishers. (Outside link)
Canada Council for the Arts :
An arms-length agency of the federal government, the Canada Council offers grants to literary and arts magazines. Funding not available for start-ups. (Outside link)
Ontario Arts Council :
An arms-length ageny of the Ontario government, the OAC offers grants to literary and arts magazines. (Outside link)
Federal Programs
Canada Magazine Fund :
The CMF, run by the Department of Canadian Heritage, offers grant programs for editorial support, small-magazine business development, and for industry organizations (infrastructure support). Funding not available for start-ups. (Outside link)
Publications Assistance Program (postal subsidy) :
Run by the Department of Canadian Heritage, PAP offers a subsidy to certain paid-circulation and request-circulation magazines to help cover postal costs. Start-ups not elibigle. (Outside link)
Provincial Programs
Ontario Media Development Corporation :
An agency of the Ontario government, the OMDC offers Business Development and Marketing & Promotion grant programs for Ontario-based magazines. (Outside link)
Government Programs for Magazine Publishers :
This special Masthead QuickGuide provides a fast overview of federal and provincial support programs for all types of publishers. It includes eligibility criteria, application deadlines and contact numbers. (Masthead QuickGuide, pdf document)