Thursday, February 16, 2012
Not dead yet!

Have you seen this National Post article about the demise of “lowly” copy editors? When I read it, the Monty Python refrain “Not dead yet!” popped into my brain…followed by “but deeply undervalued.” This was, of course, after I gagged on the characterization of copy editors as second-rate editors and social misfits, among other stereotypes – seriously?!

Copy editors are far from the only people who think copy editing is important — and our jobs go way beyond spellchecking and enforcing style guides, as countless grateful writers and “real editors” will attest.

Read reactions from The Baltimore Sun, the Post‘s own Steve Murray, Poynter columnist Craig Silverman, and irate copy editors on Twitter.

Your thoughts?

- Jaclyn Law
About Me
Jaclyn Law

Jaclyn Law is a writer and an editor with more than 17 years’ experience. Formerly copy chief at Chatelaine and managing editor at Abilities, she has freelanced full-time since 2006. Her clients include magazines, websites, non-profits and corporations. Jaclyn is president of the Toronto Chapter of the Professional Writers Association of Canada and a member of the Editors’ Association of Canada.
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