Canadian Magazine Industry News
16 January 2014,     TORONTO
Fuse magazine folds
Fuse, a long-running alt-art publication, has released its final issue. "Fuse has endured chronic underfunding for many years," wrote publisher Gina Badger in an editorial.

Fuse launched in 1976, tackling art, culture and politics from a Canadian perspective. It was published quarterly by non-profit Artons Cultural Affairs Society and Publishing, with runs between 1,500 and 2,000 copies and distribution split evenly between newsstands, subscribers and cultural outlets like libraries and media centres.

"Do Less," reads the cover of Fuse's final issue

The final issue, Winter 2013-14, is printed on newsprint, presenting a humble shell of the magazine that was. "Of the long-term effects of underfunding, the most morbid are burnout, organizational self-censorship and a loss of institutional memory," reads Badger's final address. "Rather than attempt to keep up appearances under these conditions, we offer you a pared-down issue of the magazine, with modest materials to match the modest resources we have to produce it."

Appropriately, the issue's content addresses austerity and artist-run culture. A typographic centre spread juxtaposes the phrases "Do more with more" and "Do less with less."

According to Badger, a special commemorative issue is in the works for September 2014. As well, Fuse is working on a web archive of the magazine's content going back to its inaugural issue.
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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