Canadian Magazine Industry News
12 March 2013,     TORONTO
Fab magazine shutting down
[This story has been updated.]

Fab magazine is ceasing publication, according to Now. The decision is reportedly the result of financial issues at Pink Triangle Press, which purchased the biweekly mag in 2008.

Speaking to Now, editor Phil Villeneuve said Pink Triangle is undergoing restructuring that will result in job losses across several departments. "Pink Triangle is really focusing on Xtra!," he said, adding that a new Daily Xtra! website is in the works and set to launch later this year.

Fab's last issues drops in April
Fab will cease publication come May

In a follow-up interview, Villeneuve told Masthead that he will be moved to a new role at Pink Triangle. "We're still trying to figure out exactly what that's going to be, but I'll be heading over to Xtra! and helping to try and bring a Fab voice to that publication," he said.

Although it's too early to say for sure, he's hopeful that Fab columnists will be able to bring their work over to Xtra!. "A lot of that content is completely transferrable," he said.

Generating ad revenue was already a struggle, as it is for many mags, and Fab and Xtra! were in a unique situation being owned by the same publisher. "That's sort of why it's such an interesting case," Villeneuve said. "Let's say there's a situation where a team goes out to sell; they're selling ads for competing publications in the same medium."

Xtra! has a national gay and lesbian scope, whereas Fab covers the gay male scene in Toronto.

Villeneuve started at Fab as a freelance music columnist, and officially joined the staff last year. He grew up reading Fab in Ottawa, hiding copies under his coat before he came out as openly gay.

"What Fab did is let people know that gay is everywhere, and that it's fine. Look at all these fun, great-looking people that are all over the city, letting you know that you're not alone. Having an upbeat, positive spin was my favourite thing [about the magazine]," he said.

Launched in 1994, Fab was a year short of celebrating its 20th anniversary. It will publish three more issues, with the final edition slated for April 24. "Be sure to get your hands on that final issue," Villeneuve wrote on Fab's website, "'cause those bitches will be collectors' items by Pride."
— Jef Catapang
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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