Masthead News Archives
May 2004
May 27, 2004
L’actualité, Vancouver among those in awards spotlight
MONTREAL—The Association québécoise des éditeurs de magazines (AQEM) recently announced its Grands Prix 2004 award winners. Among the 22 award recipients was Jean-Benoît Nadeau who received the Jean Paré award for outstanding journalism for his articles in L’actualité, which won a total of nine awards. Other winners include Québec Science (4), Plaisirs de Vivre (3) and Châtelaine (2) including best overall issue (May 2003). For a complete list of winners visit The Western Magazine Awards nominations were announced last week in Vancouver. Topping the list was Vancouver (14), Avenue (8), Western Living (8), BC Business (7) and The Georgia Straight (5). Winners will be announced at a gala dinner on June 18 during Magazines West. See the entire nomination list at

May 25, 2004
Walrus loses another editor
TORONTO—After only two issues as editor of The Walrus, Canada’s new general-interest monthly, Paul Wilson resigned on Saturday, citing irreconcilable differences with publisher Ken Alexander. Wilson says he and Alexander could not agree on “the separation of power between the publisher and the editor. I felt they had to be defined in a certain way but Ken disagreed. It was a fundamental disagreement on how far a publisher has the right to interfere or take part in the editorial process. I’m a fairly traditional person in that regard so I tried to hold the line but couldn’t.” Alexander concurs, “We couldn’t come to an agreement, I couldn’t satisfy Paul’s requirements completely on that issue… I think that there are a lot of unique things that go along with a launch period.” He is executive director of the Chawkers Foundation, financier of the almost 50,000 paid-circ glossy, which Wilson feels is “obviously a factor that effects how he feels about his right to intervene.” Alexander disagrees, saying his views on the separation between publishing and editing has nothing to do with his role at the foundation. Wilson filled founding editor David Berlin’s health-related resignation in February. Also leaving The Walrus is managing editor Gillian Burnett who says she joined the magazine in October to work with Wilson.

May 25, 2004
LMPI to take over Gordon & Gotch?
CONCORD, Ont.—The distribution industry is buzzing with the rumour that direct-to-retail distributor Gordon & Gotch Periodicals, based here, may be absorbed by rival LMPI. Gotch controller David Grewar and LMPI director of development Emidio Morganti said they were aware of the rumour but declined to indicate if it was credible. LMPI is a sister company to HDS Retail North America, which operates about 240 retail outlets in Canada, including Maison de la Presse, Relay (airports), Great Canadian News Co., and Piccadilly Place (hotels). LMPI and HDS are both owned by Hachette Filipacchi Médias—the world's largest magazine publisher. One insider, who did not want to be identified, said that LMPI has made an offer that G&G owners find hard to resist. They may have to, he adds, since existing provincial legislation appears to preclude G&G’s sale to France-based Hachette. Stay tuned for updates.

May 20, 2004
Upstart publisher to target young urbans
TORONTO—It’s called Nishe Media Inc. Just months’ old, the Vaughan, Ont.-based operation appears to have some money behind it. A pre-launch party held here last night at the York Event Theatre was an open-bar affair for more than 200 people. Founder Gary Wong is a former financial analyst from the IT sector, says Philippa “Pip” Herrington, Nishe’s director of communications and branding. Other partners include Thornhill, Ont., real estate agent Joe Goldfinger and Ryan Sutherland. Nishe Media says it will launch two magazines this coming August. One is to be called Nishe, a 60,000 controlled-circ title targeting those 21- to 35-years old who are “stylish, design literate, opinionated and technology dependent,” says a released statement. A second magazine, called E4M, will be a new men’s magazine, a quarterly also planning an August launch. “Our eyes have a global vision,” says Herrington. Nishe Media has partnered with Highrise magazine to deliver distribution and subscription services, says Highrise publisher Kyle Maling, although he declined to elaborate at this time. For more information, see the July/August issue of Masthead.

May 18, 2004
Fitz-James, Osborne, LaVigne to be honoured
TORONTO, VANCOUVER—The careers of two editors and a publisher will be celebrated at three separate award ceremonies next month. Former Canadian Lawyer executive editor (1996-2004) Michael Fitz-James’s two decades’ worth of legal trade press reportage will be acknowledged on June 7 when he’ll receive the Harvey Southam Editorial Career Award at the annual gala awards dinner organized by the Canadian Business Press. On June 11, at the National Magazine Awards gala, Stephen Osborne will have flown in from Vancouver to receive the Award for Outstanding Achievement for his 30-plus years in Canadian publishing, including the 1990 founding of Geist, of which he remains editor. Then, in Vancouver on June 18, the Western Magazine Award Foundation will present Yellowknife, NWT-based Up Here magazine founder Marion LaVigne with its Lifetime Achievement Award. LaVigne moved to Yellowknife (a 17-hour car-trek north of Edmonton) 30 years ago from Toronto, establishing a communications company which later diversified into book and magazine publishing. Up Here, about life in Canada’s far north, launched in 1984.

May 13, 2004
New quarterly targets DIY crowd
TORONTO—While there’s been many tender spots in the economy over the past three years, the housing market isn’t one of them. Magazines focusing on the home continue to enjoy advertising growth that’s the envy of the industry. Run-of-press adspend in the shelter category increased 12.5% last year compared to 2002, according to LNA Canada. In this oxygenated atmosphere comes In House—“Canada’s home magazine for DIY inspiration.” Launching this month, the 80,000-circ giveaway distributes in 76 Rona stores across Ontario. Publisher Laura Wilson, a former graphic designer with Canadian Living and ardent do-it-yourselfer, says the magazine will feature lots of encouraging before-and-after shots. The editorial, she says, is designed to inspire homeowners and educate DIYers on equipment and approaches; it’s not a how-to-build-a-deck title. “Many advertisers saw the potential,” says Wilson, adding that she’ll publish three issues this year with plans for bimonthly frequency in 2005. In House was one of seven titles short listed by the Ontario Media Development Corporation’s Volume One program last year, which annually grants $75,000 to three new start-ups.

May 11, 2004
Quark’s first Canadian rep in a decade
BRAMPTON, Ont.—Production managers will be happy to hear that, after a decade’s absence, Quark has a Canadian applications services consultant in Nicholas Woollard. Previously a technical systems specialist with Creo, the Burnaby-based computer-to-plate workflow powerhouse, Woollard took up duties in March and is based here. His role is to confer with clients regarding issues or questions about site licensing, training, workflow analysis, and support. His client base consists of those publishing and printing operations across the country that have at least 10 licensed copies of QuarkXPress. Reach him at

May 7, 2004
Sellwood jumps to Coast to Coast
TORONTO—After just nine months as an account executive overseeing publisher services with specialty direct-to-retail distributor Gordon & Gotch Periodicals, 20-year industry vet Ron Sellwood will be joining Gotch rival Coast to Coast Newsstand Services effective May 10. “From my vantage point it’s apparent that Coast to Coast has the momentum. I’m looking forward to being part of such a strong team,” Sellwood said yesterday. Prior to his time with Gotch, he was with Disticor Magazine Distribution Services and before that became known to many in the industry in his role as the CMPA’s distribution manager.

May 4, 2004
Sales exec receives merit award
TORONTO—Ron Clare's contribution to the ad community was recognized last week by the Advertising Club of Toronto, which bestowed upon him its Award of Merit at its annual Magazine Day luncheon. Clare retired last December as senior vice-president, advertising sales, at Transcontinental Media. While not present to receive the honour—he was working on his golf game in Florida—the course of his career is well known to peers. Starting off at Maclean Hunter in 1971, Clare went on to join Comac Communications and later the Procom Group in 1980, where he became a full partner. When Telemedia acquired Procom in 1986, Clare stayed aboard to nurture the sales culture. When Transcontinental acquired Telemedia in 1999, Clare integrated the sales forces. He was also active on various industry committees associated with Magazines Canada, NABS and PMB. "Ron recognized very early on the importance of empowering the sales effort by treating sales people with the respect he thought they deserved. He believed that if you treated someone like a star, they would act like a star," said Gayle Taguchi, a national sales manager with Transcontinental who accepted the award on Clare's behalf. Established in 1995, past winners include Avid Media president Jacqueline Howe, Reg Finlayson, former director of business development with Rogers' Women's Group, St. Joseph media president Greg MacNeil, Maclean's publisher Paul Jones and former Telemedia president and publisher-about-town Jeffrey Shearer.

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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...