Canadian Magazine Industry News
1 August 2013,     TORONTO
New literary magazine eyes YA market
Lit mag Inaccurate Realities is scheduled to launch this fall with a focus on young adult (YA) speculative fiction, a niche that has blown up in bookstores (and in Hollywood) in recent years.

Are fans of The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Ender's Game and Neil Gaiman being overlooked by literary journals? Edited by Christa Seely, a marketing and production assistant at TSAR Publications, the quarterly will publish a range of genre fiction including science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, horror, dystopian and cyberpunk. "It just felt like this huge hole in the short fiction market," said Seely in an interview with Canada Arts Connect.

The mag sought funding help with a recent Indiegogo campaign, garnering $881 in donations, short of its $1,250 goal. Indie YA publisher Patchwork Press partnered with the mag and provided giveaways to donors. According to a post on the Inaccurate Realities website, the money will be used to pay contributors, and help with first-run printing and launch party costs.

Each edition will focus on a theme, and submissions are open for the first three: Fear for the October issue, Time Travel for January, and Magic in April.
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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