Canadian Magazine Industry News
24 January 2012,     TORONTO
New online magazine aimed at 'hip South Asian working mothers'
A new online magazine is aimed at "hip South Asian working mothers" and moms-to-be.

"As a modern South Asian working mom, it’s not easy to juggle family, extended family and a career while maintaining your own sanity in the face of cultural expectations," reads the magazine website,


To that effect, the site showcases "ideas and experiences that enable [South Asian working moms] to juggle everyday life" along with other features.

The online magazine was launched by award-winning journalist and mother of two, Anjum Choudhry Nayyar. "As a mother of two young children, she often wondered how other young moms facing the same issues juggled it all," reads the site. "Having always had a passion for writing, Anjum created to meet that need."

Nayyar has quite the resume that, according to the website, includes an internship for CBS in Washington, D.C. during the Clinton presidency; a stint with MTN/A-Channel Winnipeg, covering issues that confront the aboriginal and local communities; and as a reporter/back-up anchor at OMNI news in Toronto. She has written magazine articles for several magazines.

While an ad rate card wasn't yet available [Nayyar said she's very busy preparing for a launch event this week], she noted in an email to Masthead, "At this point there is the online magazine and it's been an organic growth thus far, which has accelerated in recent months. A print version may be down the road, [but] for the time being we're staying online."
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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