Canadian Publishing Industry News
6 March 2023,     MICHIGAN
TV Insider magazine launches in U.S.
News comes from south of the border that the company behind iconic TV Guide is launching a new monthly print magazine focused on TV streaming platforms.


            Michigan-based NTVB Media, owners of TV Guide since 20215, is the company behind TV Insider. The new pub features content from the TV Guide magazine staff but will not include the listings, choosing instead to cover more TV programming. Reader surveys showed that the percentage of TVGM readers who were watching streaming and wanted to know more about it was growing robustly. The company felt it needed to cater to that audience.

            TV Insider will debut in March with 74 pages of editorial devoted to programs on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video (and Freevee), Hulu, Disney+, Paramount+, Apple TV+, Peacock, HBO Max, Britbox, AMC+, Acorn and MGM+. Four pages will include listing movies now streaming on the various services; and a four-page alphabetized list of key shows now streaming and where to watch them.

An initial subscription campaign will offer 10 issues at $19.95 (the cover price is $7.99).

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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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