Canadian Magazine Industry News
22 November 2012,     TORONTO
Technology magazine makes jump from screen to print
It's not very common these days for an electronic publication to go print, especially when its focus is on technology. But that's just the case with HOLO, an independent magazine that will "explore the convergence of art, science and technology."

The team at has already been running a well-established blog, but has set its sights beyond the screen. "A blog to a magazine hasn't been done that much," said Greg J. Smith, a Toronto-based designer, educator and editor-in-chief of the magazine.

At left is editor-in-chief Greg J. Smith with creative director Alenxander Scholz
At left is editor-in-chief Greg J. Smith with creative director Alexander Scholz

The print product will contain bite-sized stories but will also offer long-form journalism, taking readers into the studios of those behind design and technology, he said. Alexander Scholz, the magazine's creative director also based in Toronto, said "the goal is to tell stories not possible in a blog. People reading the web don't have the patience, that's the natural way of consuming information on the web."

Of course, print comes at a premium, especially when the goal is to release magazines twice a year that are 150-200 pages on high-quality stock. The team put a call out for financial support to the tune of $35,000 on Kickstarter, a fund sourcing site; in a short time, more than $43,000 in pledges had been amassed. "We asked for the bare minimum just to print," said Scholz, noting the team is leaning towards Hemlock Printers in Vancouver as a printing partner.
  There's a yearning to move into a physical space, a more tangible world."
- Alexander Scholz

With the extra cash accruing, "now we can raise the production value. Whatever is left can go into the war chest for the second issue."

The international team also includes editorial director Filip Visnjic (also the founder of; project manager Sherry Kennedy; and art director Chris Lee. The magazine will employ freelancers and the content will also have an international flavour.
Admittedly the idea of a technology publication going print has been questioned, said Scholz. But there's an apparent demand for it. "There's a yearning to move into a physical space, a more tangible world. We all share an exhaustion for the web as much as we enjoy it," he said. That being said, the team is also exploring a tablet version for the future.

Distribution will target major cities around the world, with an initial print run of around 3,000 that could grow with more financial support. HOLO has a projected cover price of $20 to $30, while subscriptions will be available (no price has been set).

The magazine will also rely on ads for revenue, "but we don't expect people to be beating down our doors until a couple of issues in," said Smith.
— Jeff Hayward
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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