Canadian Magazine Industry News
1 November 2012,     TORONTO
Marketing magazine uses 'tumble cover' to pack two issues into one
How do you fit two special issues in one magazine?

That's what Marketing magazine did with its most recent issue, dated Oct. 29, 2012. At first glance, it's a special issue about customer service. But halfway through the magazine, the pages flip upside down for another special issue on marketing for small businesses (with its own cover on the back).

The two covers of Marketing's Oct. 29, 2012 issue
The two covers of Marketing's Oct. 29, 2012 issue

David Brown, Marketing's acting editor-in-chief (former EIC Tom Gierasimczuk moved on to BCBusiness during the summer) offers an explanation in his Editor's Desk writeup, calling it a "tumble cover" — which he said is a first for Marketing. "Turn this issue upside down and spin it around (assuming you're holding the print version. If it's the iPad version, the effect is less impressive)," he writes. "When you do, you'll get another special package, a true experiment for us."
— Jeff Hayward
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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