Canadian Publishing Industry News
30 April 2018,     TORONTO
COPA 2018 Categories have been released

The COPAs is now celebrating its 10th Anniversary this year and has become the badge of honour for premium content in the digital world. There are 20 categories this year. The divisions each have 15 categories with some unique to the division, except the Students/Schools that has 5. For the 2018 rules click here.


The 2018 COPAs are now looking for judges with the Call for Judges. If you have 10 years experience in marketing, journalism, media, web tech or publishing you are a candidate. Click here to submit your name. 




Call for Judges – April 8

May 1 - Release of 2018 Categories

May 14 - Call for Entries

June 15 - Early Bird Deadline

July 13 - Entry Deadline

In celebration of the10th Anniversary the COPAs are rolling back the entries fees to when they first started. The entry fee this year is $95 down from $115 and the early bird is $75 down from $95. All independent publishers pay only $75. Schools get one free entry.


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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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