Canadian Publishing Industry News
23 November 2017,    
A Tribute to Joan Harrison of Canadian Hairdresser

The life story of Joan Harrison, CEO of Harco Publishing that publishes Canadian Hairdresser magazine ended on Oct 7, 2017. Her legacy will be remembered for her vast contributions to the hair and beauty industry in Canada. Joan was a hairstylist, salon owner and magazine publisher during her career. She won the Chattter’s Chizuko Lifetime Achievement Award in 2015 for her contributions to the industry. 

Canadian Hairdresser is a trade magazine for hair and beauty professionals and manufacturers with a circulation of 34,000,10x per year in English and French. Canadian Hairdresser is Canada¹s largest circulating magazine aimed toward salon professionals. 


Canadian Hairdresser is looking for new ownership with Joan Harrison’s passing and want someone with strong ties across the industry who is willing to take the helm of the longest-running (Est. 1952) beauty trade publication in Canada and lead it into this digital age. People interested in owning this prestige publication should contact

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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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