Canadian Magazine Industry News
6 March 2012,     TORONTO
Plaid Magazine launches Vintage's Night Out shopping event
Plaid Magazine in Toronto is stitching together its first Vintage's Night Out (VNO), a city-wide fashion shopping event designed to raise the profile of Toronto's vintage shops... as well as the magazine itself.

The magazine is partnering with several vintage and collectable stores in Toronto on Tuesday, March 13 from 7 p.m. to midnight, including Cabaret Vintage, Chosen Vintage, 69 Vintage, I Miss You Vintage, Penny Arcade, Dalston Grey, Magwood, Armed, The Chief Salvage Company, and the 69 Vintage Collective.


The event promises "unique, store-specific events" including music, munchies and discounts. Allegra McCreath of Plaid said in an email the event is aimed at boosting the magazine's brand, "and also to stimulate the independent retail community in Toronto."

McCreath admitted the concept isn't new, as Vogue magazine created Fashion's Night Out a few years ago to boost retail sales hit by the recession. "We're just working with a new take on this excellent concept," she noted. "Hopefully next year we can broaden the scope to include contemporary independent retailers as well."

"As a fashion publication based in Toronto, we'd like to do whatever we can to bring retailers recognition and customers."

McCreath noted Plaid will be selling individual issues of the magazine's 2012 winter edition as well as subscriptions at the participating stores that night. She advises to check Plaid's website for updates.

Plaid launched in 2010 and prints three editions per year (spring/summer, fall and winter) on top of its online presence.
— Jeff Hayward
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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