Canadian Magazine Industry News
29 November 2011,     TORONTO
Canadian Home Workshop magazine's website completes renovations got some renovations recently, with some new additions tacked on. The website was relaunched with a new look and new features.


The new features are 'Ask a Pro', allowing users to submit woodworking and other do-it-yourself questions to expert Ryan Shervill; free project plans, allowing visitors to find out how much time, cost and skill is required per plan; and You Made it! which allows uploads of project photos for other members to comment on.

Sue Haas, digital director for Quarto Communications which now publishes the website, said Quarto worked closely with digital agency Right Spot Media on the site facelift. "The main purpose of the relaunch was to move [the website] onto the Wordpress content management system, so that all our brand websites [including, and] are on the same universal platform, share a master database and offer users a seamless experience site to site," she noted, adding Explore will relaunch in early January. "The new is definitely cleaner, more organized and will have a brand new online content strategy, so that we're offering new features that complement the magazine, but are also unique to the site and fit the space."

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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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