Canadian Magazine Industry News
4 May 2011,     HALIFAX
Online MMA magazine for women to launch in print
If there was any doubt that girls can fight, this publisher has put that to rest.

Angela Jorgensen is the publisher of the online magazine, Chikara, based in Nova Scotia. Chikara launched about 2.5 years ago, and is the first Canadian magazine dedicated to martial arts/mixed martial arts (MMA) for women in the country, she said.

"There's definitely a niche market there, and that's why I started it," she explained, noting there are currently about 5,000 hits per month on the site.

She herself started training in martial arts three years ago, "and it completely changed my life," she said.

Now she's fighting to launch a print version of Chikara.

"I was hoping to have it launched in the spring," she said, but the challenge now is getting advertisers on board. She's now eyeing fall for the print edition's debut.

It will be a bi-monthly national publication. "I'd like to get up to 50,000 copies but I think for the first edition it will be 30,000," she said, noting she will be relying more on advertising than circulation revenue.

Meanwhile, MMA Guide, a new magazine devoted to mixed martial arts (MMA), was set to debut at the end of April. Publisher Harris Rosen bills the magazine as the only MMA-oriented print publication in Canada.

The online Chikara magazine can be found here.

— Jeff Hayward
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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