Canadian Publishing Industry News
15 December 2010,     TORONTO
Rogers taps into eGift Card market with new program
Rogers has launched the first Canadian eGift Card program for magazines, altering fixed-term subscriptions of its English and French consumer titles to fit into $25 and $50 gift amounts.


The program, which launched last month is aimed at reaching growing numbers of online and gift card-buying holiday shoppers, says Rogers Publishing senior director, multi-magazine sales Suzanne Phillips. “We have seen the statistics that over 50% of shoppers will buy at least one gift card during the holiday season so we wanted to get at that market.”

Subscriptions were changed to meet easy to use $25 and $50 amounts, including taxes, says Phillips. “A normal subscription to Chatelaine is $14.95 but for $25 including tax people will get 18 issues with the eGift Card program,” she says. Bundles of magazines were also created for the program, such as packaging three issues of MoneySense and 12 of Canadian Business for $25. 

Phillips says the totally electronic eGift Card program, which is being advertised in many Rogers publications has received a lot of interest but she expects the real rush to come with last minute shoppers. “The best thing about the eGift Cards is you can send the card today or schedule it to e-mail to the recipient for Christmas, their birthday, or anytime” she says. “Or users can print out the gift card and include it in their own greeting card.”

Rogers publishes English and French consumer titles including Flare, Maclean’s and L’actualité.
— The Editor
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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