Canadian Magazine Industry News
17 October 2010,     OTTAWA
Canadian Geographic expands brand with SIP
Canadian Geographic is publishing its first ever special interest publication this fall with the release of ‘Best Wildlife Pictures 2011’.

The issue, which will only be available on newsstands beginning November 1st features photography from the magazine’s annual wildlife photography contest, says publisher André Préfontaine. “The winning photos from the contest always form an exhibit at the Canadian Museum of Nature which then goes on the road for three years,” he says. “The body of work is such that it is worth showing.”

The front and back images of Canadian Geographic's Best Wildlife Pictures 2011
The front and back images of Canadian Geographic's Best Wildlife Pictures 2011

Coming in at 110 pages with no advertising, the 10 7/8 X 8.5 glossy, perfect bound special issue was printed by Ottawa-based Dollco Printing and will be sold for $12.95, says Préfontaine. “We didn’t want to include advertising,” he says. “I am not against the idea of doing a sole sponsor, but using this as an advertising vehicle would go against what it represents. We want to give our readers as much as we can. The value of this product is in the images.”

40,000 copies of the SIP have been printed, says Préfontaine. If the issue sells as well as he expects, Préfontaine says there are a few more ideas for future one-off collector titles from Canadian Geographic in the works.

To help promote Canadian Geographic’s ‘Best Wildlife Pictures 2011’ on the newsstand the company has started a contest with retailers. They are asking those who give full-face treatment to both the front and back cover images side by side to send in a photo for a chance to win an Apple iPad. Contest entry photos can be sent with the store name and location to Marianne Long, the most creative entry will be selected as the winner.

Canadian Geographic is published 10 times a year by the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. The magazine has a readership of approximately 3.4 million with 16 readers per copy, according to PMB’s Fall 2010 report.

— Val Maloney
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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