Canadian Magazine Industry News
26 August 2010,     MONTR�AL
Sweetspot launches Qu�bec site
Rogers-produced women’s lifestyle site is expanding into the Québec market with the launch of in early September.

Sweetspot.qc launches September 8th. launches September 8th.

The site’s general manager Maya Meyouhas says creating the new site became an issue of not if but when after Sweetspot launched an English-version Montréal site and readers and advertisers wanted more. “We were getting so many requests for a French-version that it became one of those things that we couldn’t not do.”

Two full-time editors have been hired for the site, which will operate out of a Montréal office says Meyouhas. Cindy Laverdière for the lifestyle section, Art de Vivre and Katry Ann Beaudoin, for the mom or Maman section. has been steadily building excitement for its September 8th launch through its Facebook and Twitter pages, says Meyouhas. “We have been asking our followers what they would like to see, what their favourite local spots are,” she says. A small media buy on Québec  websites as well as a bit of print and out of home advertising is also planned to promote the launch.

Advertisers can expect the same integrated content as that found on on the new site, says Meyouhas. The launch sponsor for the site is Aquafresh, which will have a Smile Spot with sponsored content similar to the RBC section Sweet Cents on the English site, she says.

Meyouhas has a conservative target of 10,000 subscribers and 50,000 unique visitors for the launch month of the site and says she is excited for Sweetspot.qc to help fill a void in the Québec market. “I was at before and came on with Sweetspot specifically to launch the Québec version,” she says. “There isn’t a lot of fantastic content for Québec readers and advertisers. We are excited to fill that gap.”

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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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