Canadian Magazine Industry News
26 June 2009,    
Best of mag news around the Web, June 22-26
Every day, Masthead scours the Web for the best, most relevent publishing-related stories and posts links to these pieces in the Mag News Around the Web section. Every Friday, we round-up these stories in our main news section. Feel free to post links to things you have found interesting or useful in the comments section.

This week, we bring you a wonderful New Yorker piece about parenting mags, a rebuttal to last week's Atlantic article  on The Economist, and a feature on the merits of indie alt-weeklies versus corporately owned ones.
  1. Parents Magazine and the fuss about parenthood [The New Yorker]
  2. Are independent alt-weeklies better than those that are corporately owned? [Ryerson Review of Journalism]
  3. Eye Weekly mobilizes listings [Media in Canada]
  4. The Economist is the exception that proves the rule [BuzzMachine]
  5. U.S. Reader's Digest slashes frequency, circ [MediaDailyNews]
  6. American Business Media cuts staff, looks to new 'strategic plan' [Folio:]
  7. "This is the most exciting time to be in media and publishing that I can imagine" [Folio:]
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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