Canadian Magazine Industry News
13 May 2009,     TORONTO
Is The Walrus sinking?
Not yet. But according to executive director and co-publisher Shelley Ambrose, the five-year-old national general interest mag is "quite literally clinging to the ice floe." That's because advertising—which, due to the magazine's status as a  a charity, is already limited to 30% of content—is down as much as 50% this year.

In a video that made the rounds yesterday, Ambrose makes a request for donations, which are an essential source of revenue for the magazine. Her case, in a nutshell: Canadians need a magazine of serious journalism and ideas, a place where we can tell our own stories and discuss and debate our place in the world. "What kind of a country are we if we can't support this kind of publication?" Ambrose asks.

Support The Walrus! from The Walrus Magazine on Vimeo.

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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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