Canadian Magazine Industry News
26 February 2009,     TORONTO
Moses Znaimer on magazines
Moses Znaimer
As part of CDS Global's 2nd Annual Partner Seminar, an all-day event that took place yesterday at the Old Mill Inn in Toronto, legendary Canadian media mogul Moses Znaimer, the marketing mind behind the Zoomer brand (and the associated magazine), answered audience questions while seated in an armchair.

Asked for his insights into running a magazine, Znaimer replied:
"It doesn't make any sense. As a broadcaster, used to a fast pace, the hardest thing for me to get used to are lead times. I'm constantly asking, 'When do things drop?' I'm used to them dropping at seven in the morning.

"Printing and some of the costs involved have been bracing new realities for me. But I'm an eager student and would be grateful to anyone who could help educate me. That said, I think we had a pretty good coming out, and I must say, I've enjoyed the experience."
— M.U.
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Jaded says:
Wow, Torstar really seems to be on a mission to bankrupt one magazine after another....
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Lorene Shyba says:
Full of terrific information, Thanks!...
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