If you've ever wondered what it's like to slave away for an international "youth culture" publication, we've got something for you that's going to blow your ass's mind. For the next three months, we're giving you the chance to write your very own mini version of Vice. You come up with your own DOs and DON'Ts, you write your own features and columns, you smush the whole thing together under a theme of your choosing, then you deal with the legal ramifications of what you've written. Fine, just kidding about the last part (probably).
The issues you create will be judged according to excellence, with the least terrible winning a grand prize of $1,000 or an internship at the magazine. We haven't decided what the runners up get yet, but it'll be something slightly less good than first prize, but better than bubkiss. Losers get bubkiss. The contest ends in January, and all entries will thenceforth reside on the internet for all the world to see until the end of time.
Get started on your issue of Vice - The ______ Issue.
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Lorene Shyba says: | |