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Education Links
Algonquin College
School of Media and Design offers a one-year certificate e-Publishing program, with courses in advertising and marketing, journalism, graphic design, web publishing and more.
Web Site:
School of Media and Design offers a one-year certificate e-Publishing program, with courses in advertising and marketing, journalism, graphic design, web publishing and more.
Web Site:
Capilano College, North Vancouver
Capilano College offers a Magazine Publishing Certificate Program, 7-week intensive plus industry internship. July-August.
Web Site:
Capilano College offers a Magazine Publishing Certificate Program, 7-week intensive plus industry internship. July-August.
Web Site:
Centennial College, Toronto
Offers a full-time Book and Magazine Publishing program at its Toronto campus.
Web Site:
Offers a full-time Book and Magazine Publishing program at its Toronto campus.
Web Site:
Durham College
Offers a graphic design program. Magazine design is a core subject in the fourth semester of the program.
Web Site:
Offers a graphic design program. Magazine design is a core subject in the fourth semester of the program.
Web Site:
Grant MacEwan College, Edmonton
Grant MacEwan College's Bachelor of Applied Communications in Professional Writing provides students with training in research, writing and editing. Third-year students can choose targeted courses in magazine writing, literary journalism, creative nonfiction and magazine editing, and in their fourth year, work from four to eight months as either in-house or freelance full-time writers and editors while they complete their final academic projects.
Web Site:
Grant MacEwan College's Bachelor of Applied Communications in Professional Writing provides students with training in research, writing and editing. Third-year students can choose targeted courses in magazine writing, literary journalism, creative nonfiction and magazine editing, and in their fourth year, work from four to eight months as either in-house or freelance full-time writers and editors while they complete their final academic projects.
Web Site:
Humber College, Toronto
Offers daytime and nighttime courses in journalism, including magazine journalism.
Web Site:
Offers daytime and nighttime courses in journalism, including magazine journalism.
Web Site:
Langara College, Vancouver
Offers a Publishing diploma program (1-year, full-time, 3 consecutive semesters), and students work on an actual 64-page magazine.
Web Site:
Offers a Publishing diploma program (1-year, full-time, 3 consecutive semesters), and students work on an actual 64-page magazine.
Web Site:
Loyalist College, Belleville Ontario
Offers a full-time 1 year (2 consecutive semesters) post diploma/degree program in Advertising - Media Marketing & Sales.
Web Site:
Offers a full-time 1 year (2 consecutive semesters) post diploma/degree program in Advertising - Media Marketing & Sales.
Web Site:
Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto
Offers program in Communication Design
Web Site:
Offers program in Communication Design
Web Site:
Ryerson University Magazine Publishing Certificate
Offers a night-school certificate program in Magazine Publishing, with courses in individual disciplines such as editorial, circulation, ad sales and production.
Web Site:
Offers a night-school certificate program in Magazine Publishing, with courses in individual disciplines such as editorial, circulation, ad sales and production.
Web Site:
Ryerson University School of Journalism
Offers degree progams in magazine journalism.
Offers degree progams in magazine journalism.
SFU Summer Publishing Workshops
Offers Summer Publishing Workshops, including courses in magazine and web editorial and design.
Contact: Suzanne Norman
Web Site:
Offers Summer Publishing Workshops, including courses in magazine and web editorial and design.
Contact: Suzanne Norman
Web Site:
Stanford University, Stanford, California
Stanford offers an intensive 9-day program for mid-career professionals in magazine and book publishing, taught by luminaries in the U.S. publishing industry. It also offers other courses and webinars throughout the year.
Web Site:
Stanford offers an intensive 9-day program for mid-career professionals in magazine and book publishing, taught by luminaries in the U.S. publishing industry. It also offers other courses and webinars throughout the year.
Web Site:
York University
York offers a certificate program in Interactive Marketing and Online Advertising, run jointly with the Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada. Fall and winter semesters.
Web Site:
York offers a certificate program in Interactive Marketing and Online Advertising, run jointly with the Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada. Fall and winter semesters.
Web Site: