The April 2014 issue of MotorCycle Mojo is set to hit newsstands on March 25th, 2014.
Featuring a white background for maximum contrast, this cover has a hard-working sky bar and starburst treatment.
This issue will be promoted at Overwaite, Presse Commerce and Safeway.

Magazines Canada and the
CMC co-hosted the Canadian Cover Awards event last night in Toronto.
The awards recognize and celebrate the success of magazine covers in driving single copy sales. Canadian magazines were invited to submit top-selling covers, from the September 2012–September 2013 period.
Newsstand sales were worth 50% of the score, with the remaining 50% determined by a panel of judges that included a retailer, a wholesaler, a national distributor, a circulation director, and an art director.
The Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners are:
General Interest, Arts, Lifestyle, Regional

Home & Décor:

News, Business & Celebrity:

SIPs and New Magazines:

Small Magazines:

Sports & Leisure:

Women’s Services:

This year, the judges awarded the Newsstand Marketer of the Year to:
Bernie Menchise, TC Media; and Craig Sweetman, CRS Consulting
Congratulations to all!
In a blog post dated October 10th, 2013, I
chose Vanity Fair’s October 2013 issue as Cover of the Week.
I’m surprised to report that newsstand sales were mediocre, selling 6% less than the average of the other 11 issues in 2013. It sold better than five issues, but worse than six other issues of VF 2013.
The big seller for VF in 2013 was its September issue, featuring “Diana’s True Love.” It sold 49,059 copies at a 49% sell-through in Canada, compared to just 33,027 for the October issue.

In a blog post dated July 29th, 2013, I
highlighted the August 5th, 2013 issue of The New Yorker as Cover of the Week.
We loved it for its humour and as a classic illustration in the proud tradition of The New Yorker.
It beat 22 of the 27 covers that came before it in 2013.