Tuesday, December 04, 2012
New Low for NOW
The latest cover from NOW magazine sets a new all time low for itself, as if admitting that it is simply not capable of creativity or originality. Anyone that follows magazines (let alone publishes them) knows that TIME magazine has used the simple 'X' template for years.

If NOW claims it didn’t know it was ripping off TIME, don’t believe it. If it did know, then what is it attempting to communicate, beyond the fact that it is out of original ideas and lacks creativity?

Here’s the new NOW 'X' cover compared with TIME's:

Rob Ford may be foolish, but he’s no Adolf Hitler. Ford doesn’t have the Holocaust on his resume. But NOW knows no boundaries. Too bad it just proved how much it needs attention, now that The Grid has become the talk of the town. NOW really is yesterday’s fish wrap.
- Scott Bullock
About Me
Scott Bullock

Scott Bullock is the the creator of Coverssell.com. Bullock has worked as circulation director for both consumer and B2B magazines including Toronto Life and FASHION. If you have a great cover to share, please send all submissions to 

Note to readers: some of Bullock's posts may refer to his clients.
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Kelly says:
Any news on how it performed on newsstands?...
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