The editorial page in the November 19, 2012, issue of Maclean’s is worth the cover price, all on its own. It doesn’t hurt that it comes wrapped in a fabulous cover, featuring Barack Obama…”How He Did It.”
Here is some insight into the cover process from Jason Logan (creative director):
“A simple picture of Obama in a triumphant pose on the podium the night of his victory. Nice simple powerful design with all secondary sells taken off and nameplate moved up and full bleed to give a kind of poster-like feel. Behind the scenes Its 2 a.m. and we have a preliminary design which depends on a good inspiring photograph of Obama after winning. Past all normal deadlines our printer is pushed to its limit and the Romney camp has taken their time conceding the election, so the team is forced to wait for images coming through the wires. When the images started coming through it was still a challenge to find an iconic pose that was clear enough way back from the stage in low light. The results are the current Maclean’s magazine which offers the definitive Canadian newsweekly’s take on the dramatic race and hard fought win. Down to the wire cover design by Stephen Gregory with special thanks to our Director of photography Andrew Tolson and image correction specialist Richard Reddit.”