It seems a bit counter-intuitive, but according to ABC statements,
Wired magazine reported that their digital single copy sales decreased in the June 2011 period.
On the June 2010 statement Wired reported an average of 17,167 digital replica single copies had been sold. On the December 2010 statement Wired reported an average sale of 27,369 digital replica singe copies had been sold…an increase of 58.4%. However, on the June 2011 statement, Wired reported sales of digital single copies of just 13,147 on average, for a 52% decrease. Wired did report, for the first time, an average sale of 2,020 digital replica subscriptions in June 2011. When Wired debuted their first digital replica single copy with the June 2010 issue, they sold 103,000 copies.
On the other hand, Popular Photography reported that their digital subscriptions averaged 13,745 for the June 2011 period, up from 9,760 in December 2010 for a 41% increase. In June of 2010 they reported digital replica subscriptions of 3,560. Therefore, sales are up 286% year over year. Popular Photography also reported 1,821 non replica digital subs on averge for the June 2011 period and 1,898 non replica digital single copies.
Popular Photography has maintained their 318/M to 319/M print subscription level over this period. Print single copy sales were 22,202 for June 2011, 23,323 for December 2010, and 27,771 for June 2010.