Friday, May 06, 2011
Maxim Canada debuts
The premier issue of Maxim Canada magazine is set for its debut on Canadian newsstands. The cover was designed by Canadian design team K9 Design.

Jennifer Neal, Partner at K9 Design, says “We’re not going to lie. We’re a little excited about this project… OKAY actually we’re really excited and honoured to have been asked to art direct and design the premier edition of Maxim Canada. Our design team, led by skillful art director Eric McBain, designed the cover and all interior layouts chalk full of girls, hockey, UFC, and just for good measure MORE girls. While keeping true to the sprit of the U.S. branding, we were able to bring a distinctly Canadian visual voice to this project. The final product will be on Canadian stands by late May.”

(Watch Masthead for more news on this launch.)


- Scott Bullock
About Me
Scott Bullock

Scott Bullock is the the creator of Bullock has worked as circulation director for both consumer and B2B magazines including Toronto Life and FASHION. If you have a great cover to share, please send all submissions to 

Note to readers: some of Bullock's posts may refer to his clients.
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Kelly says:
Any news on how it performed on newsstands?...
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